
This is my problem. Instead of expecting guests to help your people make a living wage, how about you pay them a living wage? Raise the room rate by $3 a day and give it all to housekeeping and then we won’t have to make up for your shitty business practices.

I have reacted to this the same way I reacted to the first single, i.e. declared it to be a tyre fire and then immediately committed to listening to it on repeat for the next three days solid in the sure knowledge that I am going to end up accidentally loving it. I am so confused in my feelings. I am liking both posts

he gets older and the women he dates stay the same age

Hotels charge hundreds of dollars a night for a room and we’re supposed to supplement their staff’s wages on top of that? Actually, they’re incentivizing us to not even use the service by offering points for not using housekeeping services at all. Which I find additionally mean to their employees (hey you get to work

You’re burying the lead here by not mentioning BURGESS MEREDITH’S PENGUIN HAT AND GLOVES! And Jack Nicholson’s Joker costume?

Makes sense a Redskin has reservations.

I wonder what the name the team GM’s gonna call him. “Chop Suey Cravings is absolutely gonna be on our team next year.”

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

Congratulations to Newton’s brother for starting the season a perfect 1-1.

My tricks even better... simply turn the glass upside down emptying the contents into your digestive tract... repeat as necessary until all your superficial fucks are gone.

Go to Indian Wells! I went for the first time this year and had a nice time doing blogs there.

Yeah Katrina is what I remember. 12 years later and Kanye is still right.

Tezticular Torzion is the name of my throwback, 80s retro, hair-metal band.

A day after hackers published full-frontal nude pics of Justin Bieber, stolen off ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez’s phone to Selena Gomez’s Instagram account after hacking/stealing the login info.

If you’re a man...

On the contrary I think he’s a very good heel. People watch his fights because the vast majority are hoping he will finally get his comeuppance. It never happens though.

Phoenix is actually a pretty cool city. Tempe is cooler for sure but it’s the REST of this godforsaken state that blows. Especially all the cities that are old people only.

thank christ we can all stop talking about firefly now

The proper context here is important to my very uneducated eye. She “botches” the move at the very beginning of the routine, at which point I would have completely forgotten everything else I was supposed to do after that. But she managed to gather herself and perform really well afterwards, including an impressive

I really want to get excited for this game. But the micro transaction bullshit is giving me serious pause. Also the fact that they turned the giant spider into a sexy lady because reasons.