
Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.

All things considered this is actually pretty cool and good?

“Not all snakes are poisonous, and almost all of them go out of their way to stay away from you.”

Thanks, buddy, I didn’t want to sleep tonight anyway!

Couldn’t any gangbanger make the same claim? “The murderous, terrifying persona I use on the streets is all an act, it couldn’t be further from my true nature or my personality. I am a loving teddybear on my own time, but my day job representing MS-13 is performance art, and ‘Trigger Mike’ is just a character I play.”

I’m sure it’s more complicated. I don’t know the first thing about tax laws and I’ve never been in trouble with the IRS, but I know I’d sell my right kidney to cut down some of my student loan debt.

Both atlrticles are right, tho. You have your subset of Trump supporter that is your everyday down the line -R voter who will support him so long as he isn’t a -D: older, wealthier white folks. And you have the other half (deplorables, if you will): the conspiracy breeding alt-right, Nazi white supremacist

My first thought, too!

I don’t know much about him, but sounds like on balance he was a good guy by billionaire standards. The baptism response is, uh, disappointing. But he was for positive change.

Man, EA Sports BIG had some amazing-ass shit back in the day. Not relevant to your comment, but it had to be said.

I don’t know why, but I was convinced last Sunday was Easter. I guess being an atheist without children really screws with your ability to gauge when religious/kid holidays are meant to fall on in any given year.

Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?

The Lakers decided to win a few games in the hopes of increasing the odds of losing their pick, and thus reducing the odds of having to fucking deal with Lavar Ball for the next 5 years.

its easy to turn on the tv and put all the blame on the guy who seems to be in charge, but i have to believe he’s actually just a figurehead, and the russian billionaire behind the scenes is calling all the shots.

Idea: Porn shows! Like, porn on the stage of a theatre. We can wear top hats and shit, it’ll be fun.

Porn will find a way. It always does.

Wow. It would be so much easier just to admit you’re gay, suck a cock, get over yourself and finally enjoy life.

Only thing wrong with me is throwing far too-subtle shade for you burners to catch.

someone far cleverer than me once described him as a poor person’s idea of a rich person...that seems to be on display here.

Why are you besmirching the reputation of peaceful, sociable gnomes? Sessions isn’t a gnome, he’s clearly a goblin (or a kobold).