
I never managed a restaurant but I managed a grocery store for a few years and anytime someone would give me or one of my employees shit I’d give them one chance to apologize or shape up or tell them to never come back in. The paper toilet lady would have been tossed out and probably had the cops called (I worked in a

that is the saddest story I’ve ever read on an internet comment section and now I hope that is exactly what happened.

All these stories are terrible. People suck. I think we need a week of some happy ending. Customers who get what they deserve stories are the best. That last story would have been so great if that woman had gotten arrested. Its awful to know that people routinely get away with behavior.

Too bad Arizona tea is actually made in new york :/

same here. i have gone number 2 in one public bathroom my whole life that wasn't in a hotel room. can't do it.

I worked in a grocery store in a town inhabited by 95% elderly people. I had this lady give me $30 on a 27 dollar bill. Now I remember it being $30 because one bill was green and one was a little orange. This lady argues with me that she gave me $40 and that I owed her $10. I suggested we audit the till but then my

Not at all relevant but I knew that reporter in high school and man was he a dick

I also have all three and I approve this list

I went to gamestop about an hour or two it was announced because I was in class. Missed out on the majoras mask. Then I decided I didn't want to pre order the regular system in case I was too broke when it came out. Well sure enough I had the cash but everywhere was sold out. I can't even find one online anymore. I

my mom actually took the time when she was younger to find out. I think she ended up at 350 or so. She got a certificate from the company and everything for being lame enough to find out

Me and about 4 of my friends have been in relationships since last summer because of tinder. So we do exist. Just not as commonly as hookups of course

This is a really nice story. I've had fish before and I always cared about them as much as any other pet.

exactly. And Oregon is america. So let's go Ducks

I didn't find this too gross since there wasn't any actual shit involved but I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. I can imagine the pain. Please continue with the gross stories though Mark, they make my days much better

Not that is didn't hurt. But saying that she fell down a flight of stairs implies the entire set of stairs not just one step

not that it doesn't hurt. But saying falling down a flight of stairs implies the entire set of stairs not just one step

Damn it no! I just finished marathoning the whole series a few days ago and Richard Gilmore is one of the best characters on that show. Tis a sad day indeed.

No where in his post does he say the ride is free. He explicitly states that the cost of the ride is good conversation and a blowjob. Not saying he's still not creepy but he's not pretending that the ride is free

I work for a large grocery chain and we started getting in valentine's stuff about 2 weeks before Christmas. It's terrible. Halloween comes in august and Christmas starts nov. 1st.

I waited a long time to get one but the best buy sale that came with 4 came a month ago was too good to pass up.