As a kid my dad got a cd-i machine and I played all 3 zelda games on it. As bad as they are, the nostolga fact alone makes me love them.
As a kid my dad got a cd-i machine and I played all 3 zelda games on it. As bad as they are, the nostolga fact alone makes me love them.
anybody else feel like they just sat drake in a chair and didn't tell him why?
does anyone else remember when ODB rolled up to the food stamp office in the mid-90s in a limo? And they have him a bunch of food stamp money. I don't remember too many people bitching about that, they just thought it was funny.
I can't lie, I'd wear a pair of these jeans just to tell people lions distressed them. But I'm also a relentless douche so there's that
My school had home ec in middle school, around 7th grade or so. They taught us how to balance a check book, sew, cook, and I even remember a few weeks that we're about filling out job applications and interviewing for jobs. We had about 5 or 6 people come in from our local State Farm and give everyone mock interviews.…
Why are we saying this is an accident? I mean this commercial is the first time my xbox has been turning on in months really. Clearly a strategic move by microsoft
for anybody who lives in Arizona at least, safeways are having a deal of $15 off any iTunes card $100+ and an additional $5 if you use their online coupon center