You have to admit, though, the rides suddenly accelerating without anybody flipping the switches is pretty exhilarating.
You have to admit, though, the rides suddenly accelerating without anybody flipping the switches is pretty exhilarating.
No need. A Politician using a short bus as a campaign vehicle; the jokes write themselves.
Looks like they switched to LED eyeliner instead of the lashes.
For everyone stating 'the police should not have pursued'...this was not a drawn out high speed chase. The driver, attempting to avoid a DUI stop, immediately turned down a one way street, the wrong way, which had no exit because it had been barricaded. Bashed through the barricade down a pedestrian only…
It is Texas and the driver might have afluenza, in which case he will spend a few months at the country club.
Despicable. If he doesn't get a life sentence, I lose all hope in humanity.
This is the reason I believe training should be more stringent for the entirety of America. Make the driving test actually mean something more then proof that you can read or recognize shapes. Make it also biased on the vehicle you plan on driving. Make it so the training for driving a 88hp 2000lbs civic isn't the…
Neither one of these things sounds like a down side to me.
Exactly, I was about to say that #10 would conflict greatly with #8. People just cannot handle shifting the steering wheel any degree from center without braking, as it is (or worse, people act like their cars have the turning radius of a semi truck, and refuse to do even one steering rotation to complete a normal…
Haha, I was gonna say $500 was over valuing the car. Beat me to it.
My wife and I were talking about this the other day. She is a therapist at a nursing/assisted living home. I guess the topic of driving comes up often with the old folks. Many of the older generation apparently were taught to not accelerate until you are ON the main road, no matter how much run up time you have from…
Even the middle lane. People merge onto a three-lane highway and immediately switch to the middle lane despite the fact that the highway is completely empty.
And more and more the left lane drivers are under category #1 as well. After darting to the left lane they then drive under the speed limit only leaving the left lane to dart to the exit ramp. I used to think it was cell phone users thinking the left lane doesn't require as much attention (!) but a high percentage of…
Saw this happen. The guy was squeezing in at unsafe distances. When he got to the left lane, the car didn't want to let him in. You know what? He went in anyways. 2 cars driving side by side in 1 lane. I wish I got that guys fucking license plate. It was a minivan too.
Thanks - I really wanted to include it, because if there's anything everyone reminded me when I jumped ship on my last job, it was that on the bright side, if it all went to hell and none of it worked out, I could always go back to being a project manager. The skills don't go anywhere, and as long as you make an…
The Ferrari Mondial came up as one of the easiest answers for our question about the cheapest cars with gated…
Come on. You know I know better than that..
And they don't even need that much range, the car is always for very short distances. Good pick, that would be interesting.
You're thinking of parole, which doesn't exist for Federal crimes. If he's a model prisoner, he can get as much as 15% off his sentence for good behavior, so he'll still serve many years.