
The navigation on my new hybrid said to just drive through it, I don’t understand what happened. Maybe if I go back and try again it will work.

Came here for this, but you beat me to it

A lot of these “features” are in the prior generation S63 as well. The tweeters are obviously not, and the rear seatbelt thing is interesting, if not pointless otherwise. Also, what is the flap in the front grill for? I can’t think of anything that would need a flap in that location.

The g class is available but this new specialty one, the g500 4x4^2 is not which is what Collins is driving around my town in right now.

Dammit I have to work this afternoon but the 4x4 is one of my favorite vehicles not available on the US market (yet???)

Sorry, But if you’re going to tailgate, then you should 1) be prepared for someone who’s just as much of an asshole as you are to brake check you, and 2) be able to control your car enough so that in the event someone does brake check you, this does not happen.

Not that I think he should go unpunished for this reckless behavior but I would offer this response up to him (blake or whatever his name is). Far too often have I seen responses like this where the law refuses to take action until it’s convenient for them, and then that little regulation is oh so conveniently

“Maybe the buying public will figure that out eventually, too.”

I own a quadracopter that goes 47 mph... and its built for photography. Ive seen racing quadracopters that go almost 90 mph.

I’ll sell you my 360 for “cheap”... just over 20k mi, major was done at 17,7xx mi (also one done at 12k so it did not surpass 15k service intervals). Due for an oil change but other than that, mint.

Las Vegas is horrible. At least in most parts of the city.

They should just edit the end of the commercial to say “You’ll love this car; Charlie Sheen is positive... you will.”

Well at least they made it look like the rest of the Detroit area, desolate and overgrown...

Before I even read the article I thought to myself “Must have been a California driver”

Man I wish I saw this yesterday as I had a good one in my 2011 S4.

It’s never a civilian’s responsibility to teach him a lesson. I live in an area where the norm is to do 15 mph over the speed limit on the freeways, and chances are you break traffic laws all of the time too. “He was doing something bad” doesn’t justify any person who isn’t a cop interfering, let alone like

And Jeep has been parading the truck versions of Wranglers around to shows for years too. Point is, anyone can make one of something and say they are going to build it. until they do though...

JK8 kit.

This and the new NSX...