
It won't be laughed at when they see how awesome my house on wheels is. Sure yours can go faster, but mines got 3 bed rooms, a kitchen, a bar, and a pool table plus the standard lounge area with a 60" TV and a racing sim becasue what money.

or a little over $100 Million

The sad thing is, it probably put down a better lap time on its own than it would have with some drivers in it...

Yes, but, when you cant tell the difference between 5% throttle and 100% throttle through out the gear, it makes no difference.

Then maybe it was an 07. and had they had a S available in stick I would have, but almost everything out here is auto (the car market in general). The few manual transmissions I have found come few and far apart.

Yea pretty sure it was the 5.

mmm. also no. the power on the non s is just underwhelming. It handles great, but the non s is just underwhelming when you're coming from a 500 hp Mustang. I ended up with an S4 that did not handle as well as the Porsche but felt like less of a dog.

Mmmm.... nope, definitely in 1st

I have 2.

There's always multiple ways to skin a cat...

Oh I could totally live without the Wrangler, I only like mine becasue manual transmission and removable roof (so I get a slow sports car and a convertible without sacrificing utility or 4WD). If the Wrangler suddenly became unavailable (or whatever) I would probably go to a 4 runner or an LR4.

It's only "just kidding" to you young whipper snappers and your slang... and 4wd was / is an option...

People still bitch to me about the lack of leafs making it "not a real Jeep"

The JK takes a lot of shit from purists. 4 doors, a "pretty" interior, lack of leaf springs, fuel efficient (for a Jeep) V6...

No it is not. The 2nd gen was more popular with the F&F crowd, so it's a bit easier to find one thats not all body kitted. But it's just all the more awesome to have one thats not rotted / f&f'ed.

Do you mean a full family from the 1960's or a full sized American family of today, becasue those are two very different things.

I see nothing in the original question that states it must be a GT car. And at that, the CRX is pretty close to a grand tourer with the only thing missing being a proper engine layout / drivetrain.

Seriously. Too many coincidences.