
Name a capable off-road vehicle.(?)

Kids used to make fun of me say "you cant read good!"

I was just waiting for them to tumble into something. That ute, the Pajaro (I think), the trailer, that tree, the fence....

Imagine coming home to find your yard destroyed by a roo fight...

Dear Mr. Marchionne,

Not in the same manner as what he does with the AWD cars. Having all 4 tires spin and pull really helps to pull off the tight stunts that he does. And anyways, it turns out this Mustang IS AWD...

Yea I missed that part, had to re-read it.

Missed that part.

Interesting to see what he pulls off with out the aid of AWD.

Yes, actually. I have seen a few waddling along fence lines and such in the past.

I knew it had to be either old slot jockeys or rattlesnakes. third possibility was bro's whom become so inebriated they fall off the walking bridges into Las Vegas BLVD traffic...

As someone who's family is originally from WV I can tell you this statistic is wrong.

What the production version will look like...

It must convert into an electric airplane... Why else would it be at a runway?

Because solid yellow means prepare to stop using caution to vehicles behind you (or in other words, stop if you can but don't slam on your brakes)

You misunderstood me. by the light is green I meant the arrow....


Lol. I can see that happening. We have had the signs from the get go, and yet still people somehow can't figure out what they are supposed to do when the light starts flashing...

Technically, yellow means proceed with caution, red means stop then proceed with caution if possible. if there is no oncoming traffic on the yellow you could slow and turn instead of stopping and turning, like you would have to on red.

Yes, but I typed in in a sarcastic manner... you would know this if you were inside my head when I typed it. There is nothing intelligent about these people and that is one thing I know for certain.