
It's been used as a "future" vehicle in many many TV shows and movies. It's awesome.

Citroen DS

Oh. I thought that was the reserve. My mistake.

What was the high bid on this? Just curious how much more I need to save up from my current Ferrari fund of $2,346.82 US...

It's so bulbous!!

What he's not telling you is that after 100,000 miles the dashboard displays the mileage as the infinite symbol...

Which costs more, the house or all six Bugattis?

AEV Brute Filson edition. should tag out right around $100k. Probably more luxurious than the G and way more capable, just no stupidly overpowered V8.

Lol way to stay behind the times Alabama...

Yea but. I want my mod money for this lightweight manual back. it's 900 pages of pure carbon fiber that no one will ever read.

So does the Pope prefer Enterprise, Dollar, or Thrifty?

If that safe is 8 feet long then I am 21 feet tall...


UHHH... It's called "patina" and it's all the rage with the youngins these days...

It does with a super modified motor.

Any time.

Buy a first gen CRX HF. Hell of a lot cheaper, still gets mid 50's on the highway, and you don't look like a pathetic sweaty douche to the elderly ladies passing you by.

then back off the throttle on the way up

E60 M5