
I did my kitchen (med to large I would say) over the course of 2 weekends. Cabinets, back splash and led lighting.

Totally obtuse

Get bent...


Example 1: In 2008 I had severe ITBS and didn't run for six months. Not only was the injury serious, but I delayed my IT Band Syndrome treatment while I wallowed in self-pity. Once I took a more structured approach I finally got healthy, but my return to running took another six months of struggle. It was a long

That way when the rust eats it they know the general shape of the panel.


I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it.

This is better than Colorado's plan to spend 110% of the estimated revenue from pot taxes on drug awareness and prevention programs.

That was a tough race but the International is so jalop it hurts.


Because it will be SRT branded, just like the Viper is no longer a "Dodge"

Hey look! two idiots doing idiot things! And I bet neither of them 'walked' away any the wiser.

Im still mad that the International lost. You all aren't as Jalop as I hoped.

Out here when the limit is 65 they go 60. And you can sit and watch all the slack jaws looking over to see whats going on.

Today, on my way home, people rubber necking a car getting pulled over caused bumper to bumper traffic for 2 miles across 4 lanes. the very instant we passed the pulled over car, speeds went right back up to 55+ mph... It's ridiculous.