
LMAO. Yea those things don't weigh as little as a bicycle...

I always care about gear shifts. its my favorite part of driving.

Because manual is more fun. Your not trying to be the fastest guy down the highway so have fun with it. If you want a race car, sure DCT, but otherwise MAN UP

but the manual is dead for good

This guy sure did like his Jeeps...

It's for the safety of the public. It's almost your civic duty as you have the most experience being kidnapped.

Agreed, the new layout looks cool but the commenting is ill-nah-nah.

How about just a video of you trying to kick out plexi windows of various sizes using various techniques to see which method works best in case you are kidnapped by a run away ex-con IRL???

Would love to see more of Travis screaming and pleading for his life. Also, trying to kick out plexiglas windows...

Some Americans aren't wasting ANY calories...

This video is great even without the motorcycle asshatery because mullet and wife beater...

One more thing: the biggest problem IMO with FI systems is that they are proprietary; even long after the systems are obsolete their diagrams and source code isn't available to the public. With carbs, when you see is what you get, there's no lawyer genie hiding certain parts from you

Bouncing a check will cost you your license in 11 states; failing to pay child support will cost you your license in 43 states. Iowa will suspend your license for being drunk in public, Vermont will suspend it for burning trash, Nevada will take it for failing to pay alimony, and Florida will take it for failing to

Dear Darwin,

Whats so wrong with a man driving a car in a manner to which it should be driven in?

There are SO many puns available: Long Island, Great Neck.


Isn't Canada used to this kind if weather by now???

Ah, Volvo. The greatest Swedish marque if you don't count Koenigsegg or Saab. They're sturdy, tough, and built to survive the harshest of Swedish winters. Right?

Even still, in Rally, why would you not want to?