
YOU went to high school!!!!

I think the next step will be to just make it a hat toss.

BMW Exec 1: "Hey, you really wanna screw with people."

Came here to post this too.

Its cool bro, we all cant have epic paint shop skillZ

You're welcome

Nailed It!

Reverse Oppo!!!

Just don't dragon the dragon...

At least it looks better than the year of the dragon Jeep...

So basically this is about how you failed to sell a $50,000 twitter handle, allowed two companies to give your personal data to unauthorized parties, allowed the unauthorized party to steal your accounts and hold them hostage (for a twitter handle), and you then gave into the thiefs demands...

What about US territories????

But then you are talking about a wood, resin, fiber mix, at which point, the cost savings id essentially gone.

But even for per-say a frame; a steel frame would support more while weighing in at lets sat 400lbs. A same sized frame made of wood would either A) support less overall stress or B) weigh 2 - 3 times more.

Dear southerners: If you see a woman in a car panicking as such, it is not wise to inform her "you sure do got a purdy mouth".

Because the majority of truck buyers are extremely conservative in their purchases. e.g. A guy will continue to buy an F-150 because he has owned 10 of them over the past 18 years. even if [insert brand here] comes out with a truck that is [insert amount here] times better.

Automakers suddenly have a hard-on for wood. Thanks to the neverending quest to make cars lighter and the pressure for more environmentally friendly manufacturing techniques, the ol' woody might be making a comeback of sorts.

Honk the horn. Flash your lights. Flip everyone off...