
Well did he drag the guys bike with him too, or did that stay behind? I think thats where the key to this lies.

Biggest issue finding a suit for me is finding one that fits and doesn't cost $3000 and needs to be custom tailored.

Didn't they have almost $600k into it by the time it was done and then sell it to Richards uber rich friend for like another $200k?

How soon can I get one in Merikah?


"Yes hi, is this Mike Seay? The Same Mike Seay whose daughter was killed in a car crash? Great! Well have we got some great news for you! You now qualify for an Office Max debit card as well as scrap booking supplies so you can save all those important memories of your daughter."

Would love to see how bad this damage is that it "totaled" the car.

It should look EXACTLY like this concept they released 10 freaking years ago!!!! (or however many that was)

Not that I am aware of

Best part is, they are attached to the doors which so frequently come off...

This is exactly why I bought the Jeep! Three Pedals 4 lyfe!

Came here for this.

But a new Veyron is, so that should make you feel better.

"Metal" Google keeps using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

...That the Secret Service said I couldn't drive.

[Does it seem suspicious that I am laughing overly hard at his terrible joke? Please like me]

I'm just kidding. It's Oliver Twist.

"Did I ever tell you the story about how I gave this company Billions of tax payer dollars so they wouldn't default, just so I could still get parts for my car."

MacGyver: The Movie

Please sir, may I have some more?