Car Clown

The majority of places I have worked have not had shareholders. Shareholders are parasites. At absolute best they might help get a company off the ground, but the thing that a company truly needs is paying customers.

I’ve never been pulled over, though I have had the pleasure of wasting a cop’s time by obeying traffic laws perfectly the entire time they followed me. If you follow me out of a parking lot in such an obvious way I will waste your time for the next three miles, until you get mad and go look for someone else to try to

United Airlines has already extended a job offer to the flight attendant in question.

Not too far off. They are a people that originates from the star Kolob. They look just like humans, but they actually ascend to godhood when they die. Or so they believe.

“Chaffetz won’t be seeking reelection...”

I voted crackpipe, but I feel bad doing so because it gives crackpipes a bad name. Getting this piece of shit roadworthy would cost at least $32k.

When I see Idaho, Wyoming, or Montano plates I can’t help but make jokes (aloud or in my head) that they are likely TERRIFIED of such a huge city with so much traffic. Take note that my driving takes place in cities with populations generally under the 50k mark, so there is a great deal of sarcasm regarding the size

I think the transmission is the FIRST part you find out is no longer up to snuff. You then grab a pushbroom and apologize profusely to everyone who has to wait while you clean scattered bits of metal off the track.

I defeat to assuming every single person on the road is an absolutely horrid driver and do my best to give reaction time appropriate to this. So far this has spared me the need to panic brake many times. It seems to be a good tactic, as I have managed to avoid being in any crashes whatsoever while being behind the

We should honestly be giving this guy credit. He was in a Mustang and managed to guide it into an unoccupied vehicle. We all know how blood-thirsty those things are. It’s a miracle he didn’t go right toward any people.

We throw up houses right and left anywhere there’s available land. Including the sides of mountains, which always gets exciting when the soil gets a bit too wet or there is an earthquake... Building lots of houses fast encourages the cheap, fast construction methods.

AWD is useless on a real drag racing car.

And that’s what I figured. Where I live, earthquakes are common enough that some degree of earthquake proofing is mandatory, so it colors my first impressions. If earthquakes are practically unheard of in an area, standards obviously need not be so high. Thanks for the info.

My first thought, after seeing the picture from inside the building, was “There’s no way that building has any sort of earthquake proofing.” Then I went on to think “But it’s in England, so there’s a really good chance it’s old enough that they didn’t do any sort of earthquake proofing.” I also wondered if earthquakes

Most of the energy gets converted to heat and sound. Once the tires start to slide, traction is reduced very dramatically. I don’t know the coefficients of friction for a “typical” sports car tire, but I do know that the coefficient of kinetic (you’re now sliding) friction is massively lower than the coefficient of

I worry about dumb fuckers in lifted pick-ups t-boning me and taking a fender to the skull as a result. There’s a reason I’m disinclined toward ever actually owning something like a Miata. Fun as one could be, there’s too damn many big-ass trucks driving around where I live. Almost all of them owned by overly

Utah is redder than the Soviet Union. Unless a primary challenger manages to displace him, he doesn’t have to worry. Utah voters will predominantly vote straight-ticket (R), considering even malignant tumors like Chaffetz better than a Democrat.

Back when my wife lived in Minnesota, she had an Olds Alero. We were in a long-distance relationship, so I didn’t have to deal with it aside from when I came to visit. I was not a fan of that car, but she hated it even more. When she moved here she left the piece of shit behind and had her mom sell it. Some high

Don’t worry, the GOP is doing their best to make sure that nobody but the already wealthy can go to college. Gotta have serfs.

They already put tech on there to prevent the C&C Spinout, it’s just that traction control can be disabled.