Thanks, I'll Have Another!

It would be cool if Theon confides in Yara in a spare moment that he always looked up to Euron ad modeled himself after his swashbuckling uncle. It would help explain his inexplicable heel-turn betrayal of Robb and the Starks in Season 2, and also provide some basis for Euron's character, since we don't really know

A good reminder why grouping together characters that have chemistry onscreen is important for keeping this show moving, especially in the staging episodes like this one.

I feel like it's a bit late in the show to introduce the Horn, though. That's a pretty big gamechanger and we're running out of time, with all the other plotlines that we have to wrap up in one (expanded) season. I think it's more likely that Euron abducts somebody whom Cersei has a grudge for and delivers them to

Same. As soon as Arya got off her horse I was certain that something was going to go wrong and that blood was about to be shed. Though I enjoy how that scene played out, it was incredibly dangerous for a young woman traveling alone in war-torn Westeros to approach a group of soldiers in the woods, even when she's a

To be fair, he should probably expect those kinds of jokes by now.

Enron Greyjoy, an eccentric pirate - he insists on bringing his trusted accountant, Arthur of House Andersen, along on all his voyages of plunder.

Do we really need to fill that hole, though? Does this show need yet another over-the-top psychopath?

Hopefully she learned something from the Waif, if only so that that ridiculous chase scene wasn't a complete waste.

This is the first time that we've run into a group of soldiers under any banner who haven't turned out to be dickwads, as far as I can remember. I was really uncomfortable watching Arya get down from her horse and join them because I was sure it was going to end badly.

I was thinking that this was a very "Feast For Crows" moment while I was watching it, with the focus on the smallfolk who get caught up fighting the highborn's wars.

Too expensive, prolly.

N-no, milady, there was no doubt…

I was seriously expecting some triumphant 80's synth anthem to start playing at one point.

That explains a lot about Lucille Bluth, actually.

We need to go deeper…

You're on the wrong website if you don't want to talk politics in every comment thread lmao

"Sansa's marriage to Tyrion has never been formally annulled, that there is no way the Northern houses would ever back her."

It's so cathartic to see that so many other people are noticing the decline in writing and narrative quality. I started pointing this out back before Season 5 and I had to leave the fandom during the offseason for a while because I kept getting shouted down. Now two seasons later I'm just sitting here like "called

Didn't Gurm say at one point that Arya is his wife's favorite character and that she has repeatedly lobbied to keep her alive? Now that's what I can plot armor!

I enjoy how well this comment can apply to multiple factions of the commentariat on this website.