Thanks, I'll Have Another!

He said it with his eyes.

Commenting so that I can remind you both about this exchange in ~16 months.

Terrific soundtrack by Vladimir Cosma, too

That's a better way to phrase it, yes. He was "hypercompetent" in that the plot gave him everything that he wanted even when it strained credulity to do so, all while he acted like an edgelord run amok.

I think there might be an independent studio or two in the San Fernando Valley that's willing to film this.

Honestly, letting Dany have Kings Landing after putting up maybe a cursory resistance and then running off to Casterly Rock is probably the smart move for Cersei. Daenerys would have her hands full just trying to get KL under control and it would stall her momentum; meanwhile Cersei can consolidate what's left of her

I feel like being a book-reader and seeing what is happening with the show must be like having to watch your best friend get beaten to death while you're helplessly trapped behind soundproof glass.

I hope he brought extra for House Manderly.

It was also pretty clear that Joffrey didn't have much actual power, and that he was basically a figurehead for the Lannisters, so it kind of made sense that he was a sadistic little shit who basically got his rocks off by torturing kittens while the serious work of governing was handled by the Small Council. That and

Ohhhh, I think Sansa will survive. Everybody who has been pissed off about how her character has been used and abused thus far in the series will absolutely shit a brick if the writers kill her off after all that. Unless they give her one hell of a YASS KWEEN SLAYYY moment before she dies.

I like how you make it sound like this only happens with Sansa.

The Real Housewives of Winterfell.

That scene was the prime takeaway for me, and it's a credit to the discipline of the production team that they didn't pad it with unnecessary histrionics or try to over-dramatize it. The sheer prevalence of this behavior within the Church points right to a sick rot at the center of the institution, not just the

I really hope Sansa doesn't end up betraying Jon, though I think they might be setting us up for that with Littlefinger doing his Wormtongue routine. We kept getting delayed hints that she was going to grow up to be a badass, and doing that would pretty much destroy anything interesting and likable about her character.

lmao plot armor is the only thing keeping the story on the rails at this point.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Valonqar plz

Is that what that was? Ohhhh that's some prime yuri bait.