Thanks, I'll Have Another!

Sitting around looking bored while Sam pores through volume after volume of manuscripts in Oldtown.

We're firmly in the "handwave the details" portion of this show at this point.

Dude, you should feel free to post Cushbomb copypasta as often as you like. The AV Club commentariat has become very stereotypically liberal in the last year or two and we need more lefties in here calling people on their bullshit.

Do you listen to Chapo Trap House? Because if not, you should listen to Chapo Trap House.

The Dothraki consider a development phase without at least three deaths to be a dull affair.


So is the court of public opinion.

"This…took a lot of free time."

I appreciate both the shade and the accuracy of this comment.

Key grip is prolly waiting on the best boy, as usual.

The "why can't you just avoid it if you don't like it" line is a great way to separate out people who have worked in the service industries and people who have been privileged enough not to have to work in the service industries. :3

"You're not dealing with art but with propaganda"

Much obliged, thank you for this wisdom!

Anywhere I can go to read about the stories behind the scenes for that movie? This new adaptation has taken over Google at the moment so my usual sleuthing method isn't serving me well.

>the bruise in the fruit


Speak for yourself, dude.

So would I, and I'm not even capable of feeling ashamed for it at this point.

That was the best Dothraki moment we've gotten in the show so far. That was what I wanted more of!

Which is strange, considering that Viserys, in the show at least, is such a huge asshole that it's a mystery why she would ever name anything after him, much less a dragon. It probably makes more sense in the books.