Thanks, I'll Have Another!

Are those the spiritual counterparts to dickbutts?

I was actually pretty hype for like a minute when Dany got taken to Vaes Dothrak last season because it could have been a chance for the show to give us a more nuanced, humanized portrayal of the Dothraki people and cultur-aaaaaand it's gone.

>the only value W&B can see for women in Westeros is through their ability to control or manipulate violence.

Yeah, but AFAIK those two books were basically setup for Winds of Winter (which was originally going to be the next book after Storm of Swords until Martin decided that he wanted to insert more world/character-building in between them to get everything ready). I've only watched the show and my knowledge is based on

Keep fuckin' that chicken.

I'm in the same boat. Next round's on me, I guess.

But can they into space?

Don't do this here. Have some fucking class.

Well between 2000 and 2016, the electoral map was also fairly static, with only a handful of swing states, whereas before that you had a lot more variation across different election years. So the term "red state" and "blue state" would have had much less resonance pre-2000, even if the color scheme for the parties had

One of the best moments in the whole series, honestly.

Like a moth to the flame…

Like 90% of Bernie supporters are voting for Clinton, across multiple polls, which incidentally is still a better margin than Obama got against McCain from Clinton supporters in 2008 (irony, thy name is politics). It's really dumb and unnecessarily divisive for Clinton supporters to still be grinding that axe this

The issue with South Park is that the creators of that show have run into the opposite problem that these openly partisan political comedy shows have: when your brand relies on not taking sides, you fall into the trap of drawing false equivalences and also developing a smarmy "above it all" approach to political

But thinking carefully about this stuff is hardddd, GhaleonQ! It's so much easier to huddle with people who are like me and talk about how those other people not like me are stupid dumb-dumbs and the things they care about are dumb too. That will surely bring us a solution to all of our problems.

It seems like every website with an active community eventually needs to find another online community to hate and misrepresent ad nauseum just to enforce an in-group/out-group dynamic. The AV Club has chosen Reddit, apparently. It's just more of the same bullshit tribal behavior that primates like us have been doing

I had to both drink and smoke weed just to get through this thing. I admire your restraint.

If it originates in Dorne, it's probably significantly more pleasant than if it came from pretty much anywhere else in that world.

Lots of great points here, but especially this:

Somebody Kickstart this. PLEASE.

I don't want this, I need this.