
This really should’ve been part of the collection to begin with. 

First where can I play the Plantasia video game? Second when does the follow up Plantera come out?

Ugg. There are 3 sequels to karate kid. Not 2. 

The story behind the X was rather anticlimactic. 

Maybe we should remove the statute of limitations for rape or extend the length at the very least. 70 years sounds like a reasonable minimum length. Maybe add fines to a county that fails to test in a timely manner. 

I’m guessing the gas can in the stash had some kinda flammable liquid in it. Could’ve poured it down the elevator shaft lit it on fire just to be safe. 

I’m curious what the budget was on this episode. I know they made a big deal on cost for sharks appearance. You toss in Grodd and that’s probably doubling the cost. 

You’d think Daryl would’ve asked Alpha about their boundaries as to prevent altercations. But then I guess there wouldn’t be a show. 

My way of looking at the end is that he could no longer live with retelling the story so he killed. He then took his own life as them dyeing at the same time is unlikely. The nurse that “went for coffee” will probably be fired for abandoning her post. Possibly stripped of her ability to keep nursing and maybe even sued

What’s there to explain. The title of the article seems to be explanation enough. 

Why is it that whenever the Z’s are bunched up and slightly blocked off they never take the initiative to maybe kill the ones they can see instead of waiting for them to surprise break thru?

I think the speed has more to do with him being famous. 

Capt Marvel needs to punch that skrull in the face.  

Those sure are ugly. 

Am I reading this right. This woman has been in a coma for over 20 years?

Was there no other person around to offer help. I dont use the subway around me that much but I have offered to help people struggling to go up or down. 

Ok so they got a new Xelayan but went the same thing happen eventually. Also if it’s a know issue shouldn’t their rooms have adjustable gravity settings in the bedroom area at the very least?

The thing that bugs me is that after all this time they still haven’t fixed the roof of star labs. 

He should probably be wearing glove while handling it. 

Moranis has said in recent years if the right project comes along he would take it as his kids are grown up now. He has done voice work randomly through out the years. Also if the plan is to keep the franchise going they need to take it in the Extreme Ghostbusters route. Leave out Murray at this point. Just have some o