
Did he chose her? I thought they met at work and liked each other. Is it strategic or just love?

What people pay and get paid how much and when though?

Trudeau visit wasn’t 2010 at least not in that dress that should be 2016. I remember because her dress was a lot nicer than mrs Trudeaus

It’s slaying one of her boobs.

Well No not the only solution. It could also be a non poc at the tops saying that. The problems with the commercial are not invisible to non poc.

It’s probably nice for their victims’ families to know that the murderer won’t get out. Why do you think it’s a bad idea to have LWOP

Would you say that about some one who repeatedly murdered and didn’t have remorse (or anyone who posed a great threat to society..)

John Oliver has a good little show about this exact issue on YouTube .

I really doubt that they only shop at gentrified stores. I’m sure they go to drug stores and independent grocers and just about anything, why wouldn’t they?

That’s your theory, (that last part) but it can work the other way too, stress from poverty can prevent creativity and ingenuity. And lack of stress doesn’t mean the person won’t apply themselves. It probably depends on genes how a person’s financial situation makes them thrive or not. I’m sure not every person from

I’ve never lived in a trendy neighbourhood myself but if you’re talking about hipster areas or recently gentrified ones, I think the appeal is the convenience. Just like you want it to be easy to get to work to save your own resources, people in trendy neighbourhoods can save a lot of transportation resources (time

Hopefully there’s no statute of limitation on this

Canada too. Swirl face was just released in Vancouver, no idea why a jobless pedo gets to live there when most families can’t afford it. We need more jails i guess. Every week there’s a story of a dangerous person getting out too early.

Aren’t most illegals catholic!

She doesn’t sound realistic about the danger. If her kid gets threats like that just at school, her working there would be asking to be attacked basically. They should accept a lower income from a safer work environment for the time being. Downsize the house or whatever needs to be done. She sounds greedy complaining

You mean the story that the numbers are consistent, the fact that teens go missing all the time? Yes the issue that teens go missing has been brought to light for those who were unaware, but nothing is new these few months..

This is upsetting. In Canada ppl will call the cops no one hits in public at least. But how do you know they are single parents? Also, white people hit kids a lot in U.S. Religious communities, but because they aren’t urban no one is around to see.

I do understand that. I’m responding to the self congratulations on this website for cracking a big break or whatever... When there’s nothing new.

This is when eggs start leaving faster thus higher chance of twins