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    I was never a truck guy until I got this thing. I never ever paid so much for a new vehicle in my life. To me this is the epitome of a perfect truck and all around vehicle. it is a 2014 Ford SVT Raptor with 79K miles on it now. and I still smile every-time I drive it after 5 years of ownership. I told everybody this

    I like the way I got my Accord back in 2002 from the fleet manager. He point to the sticker price and said “here is sticker price”, “Here is what I what I will sell it to you for fleet”, “here is with the $1000 rebate off”, Do you want it? I said yes... Then I asked about the special financing from Honda do I get that?

    Looks like he did a few more mods then the last time. Including the exhaust is now sticking out the back, and it looks like had skirting on the side. HA HA

    Saw this one in SoCal about 3 months ago 

    For the first time ever I agree with Patrick George

    I get a used TSX Wagon

    Wonder what the Plug-in version gets with a full tank and full charge? Maybe the same? or more?

    been a while since i priced them out...excellant 4x4 with room to sleep in the back Nissan Xtera

    there is a video somewhere of a guy asleep at the wheel in his model S and being stuck in traffic. I believe it was either in Arizona or Nevada were this couple took the video on their phone.

    I like it!

    forever resident of California...I do admit growing up here the smog was bad. It has vastly improved because of what the CARB have done. Granted they are not perfect by any means. Sometimes I feel it is a cash grab for extra fees and what not...but one thing is for sure gasoline is a limited resource and so is my

    needle nose pliers. I used them to remove bone from fish. Learned it from Alton Brown. They are cleaned and treated with olive oil.

    I look into a Jeep Wrangler or midsize pickup like a Toyota Tacoma or Chevy Colorado 4x4, Wait and see What Ford’s offing with The Ranger when it comes out if you are willing to wait. With the except of Tom, the rest do not make any sense unless you want to fixing them all the time.

    I could have swore that the only way you will hear it correctly was to drive Civic of that year with those rims and tires? Otherwise, it will not sound the same. But I have not watched the video yet so maybe he did say that.

    Damn David Tracy...You are an awesome dude! Hands down. To me this speaks volumes about you and your kindness. Thank you for tell us this!

    My curiosity is the range on a full charge.

    I am 45 years old. My parents have been telling me that Social Security will not be there for me when it comes time for me to retire since I was about 10 years (1980ish). since my first job they have pushed me towards 401K, Roth IRA, etc.

    Being a former landlord I do agree with 17331Burner. But now I have to say this You have the most awesomest landlords in the world!!!!!!!!

    5.11 Rush 12 or the 24 both are great for Everyday backpack.but the 12 is perfect

    5.11 Rush 12 or the 24 both are great for Everyday backpack.but the 12 is perfect

    Doug Demuro discussed this like over a year ago from one of his letters to Doug...But i guess since he has his own place to write we might as well just pretend he doesnt exist.