There’s that bitch Ashley again, she never goes away...
There’s that bitch Ashley again, she never goes away...
There’s that bitch Ashley again, she never goes away...
There’s that bitch Ashley again, she never goes away...
If you get a refund that’s enough to pay for a drone, you’re doing it wrong. My refund last year was just over $1 and I hope to owe a couple this year.
If you get a refund that’s enough to pay for a drone, you’re doing it wrong. My refund last year was just over $1…
Not everybody gets a tax refund, some of us claim zero and still have to stroke a check every year. Have fun with your drone.
Not everybody gets a tax refund, some of us claim zero and still have to stroke a check every year. Have fun with…
If you’re getting a refund, you’ve failed at how to play the game.
If you’re getting a refund, you’ve failed at how to play the game.
If you get a refund you’re
If you get a refund you’re
If your refund is that big, you should invest in tax planning instead
If your refund is that big, you should invest in tax planning instead
Did you know that you are supposed to aim for a $0 refund? The attitude of “maximizing your refund” is just one of a number of things that are slowly destroying the country’s financial infrastructure.
Did you know that you are supposed to aim for a $0 refund? The attitude of “maximizing your refund” is just one of a…
Bookmarked to read later.
I’m imagining some cascading system of failures someday resulting in your Model S bursting through your closed garage door like the Kool Aid man
Why exactly should the rest of the world care what these people in this part of the world do to themselves? Oh yeah, that’s right, because they have oil.
With most MOOCs (massive open online courses), there can be literally thousands of students taking part in a given class. There are professors who are quite committed to the MOOCs they’ve created and they set aside personal time to participate in forum like discussions, but it can impact their professional work. Most…
This Cyber Monday, celebrate American Apparel’s fall from grace by partaking in their massive 30% off sale, which…
The Harmony Hub/Remote combo? I bought it at $100. Best $100 I ever spent in the way of happiness for my married life. :) Press one button, the TV switches to the correct input, the stereo receiver switches to the correct sound output, and the Blu-Ray/PS4/Cable box/Apple TV switches on, to be controlled by the…
The Harmony Hub/Remote combo? I bought it at $100. Best $100 I ever spent in the way of happiness for my married…
The day I lay face down on a hotel carpet, is the the day they find me dead. No other possible situation will have me putting my forehead to the ground. Nope. Nope. Nope.
I have personally seen this (I work in industrial controls). Just last week, I did work for a company making a food product. After they started making product, they packaged the name brand followed by two “off brand” products.
I love evil week.