
He dates in English tho.

Also that live captioning is done by a stenographer on a specialized machine that does shorthand, not conducive to languages other than English since the machine is phonetically organized for English words.

Real time close captioning of live content mostly exists to satisfy a regulatory requirement. It’s not shocking and I can’t help but wonder how many people check all the boxes of

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

My wife is from Europe and she was used to seeing this on TV over there. I had to explain to her why its offensive here. But at the same time, they have no history of black face either and the black people they do have living there arent american. She is Czech and she had a black doll that looked like Raggedy Ann her

Ro Khanna is running her campaign and boy, does it show.

Performative. She wants the incumbency bump of being selected to serve the remainder of Pelosi’s term in the next election for that Senate seat. And she needs it because she would probably be up against Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, both of whom are probably more popular. I would pick Katie Porter every time. She

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

Blackface doesn’t have negative history, or any history at all in Poland and Eastern Europe. They probably don’t think it’s offensive in this context.

Respectfully, fuck off with this take. Riding coattails? There are lots of legit criticisms you can make about Nancy Pelosi and lots of real reasons for her to retire. And I know most people don’t pay attention to the inside baseball stuff that happens in Congress, but who the fuck do you think was actually doing the

Why? She’s in much better shape than Feinstein. You really need to start adulting. 

Haaaaa. I know of real human men who have escaped to Florida to avoid paying child support in other states. Suffice it to say I don’t think Desantis has any intention of following through with this nonsense. ….Unless it’s to increase the for-profit prison census. I forgot to follow the money in my critical analysis of

And how will this be enforced? I am 47 - and my deadbeat dad STILL owes my mother back child support.

We know he is planting stories with TMZ how exactly? Or are assumptions now fact the way accussations are?


Celebrities convert pubic attention into energy, in a sort of parasocial photosynthesis. Without it, they shrivel up and die. It’s a science fact.

Halle Bailey Calls DDG Her ‘First, Deep, Deep Real Love’ and This Is Why We Need to Stay Out of Celeb’s Business”

I’m curious how much it would cost to keep these billboards up for a year. I’d be willing to make a donation to keep them up. Where’s Mackenzie Bezos when you need her money?!?

For sure...much more Strom Thurmond vibes than Tucker Carlson.

“Your Honor, you see, my client is an old, doddering fool who only watches Fux Newz. So him shooting a black kid is just par for the course. Please let him go free to do it again.”