I don’t like this “my people” nonsense. I am not his person. Doesn’t he understand the whole point of this freedom concept we have going on? Oh, wait, this is the guy putting children in concentration camps...right.
I don’t like this “my people” nonsense. I am not his person. Doesn’t he understand the whole point of this freedom concept we have going on? Oh, wait, this is the guy putting children in concentration camps...right.
“He speaks and his people stand up in attention,” he gleefully told Fox News on the White House lawn Friday morning. “I want my people to do the same.”
I can’t even wrap my head around why people want to have one child. And I have two of them!
I know the answer is likely religion, but I can’t quite wrap my head around why people would want to have 14 children. My family had four and it was a mess of scheduling, meal planning, laundry, etc. This would be my nightmare.
Exactly...I never understood this reasoning. If they’re truly about “saving the babies”, as they say, are the babies that are the result of rape or incest any less worth “saving”? Makes no sense.
“rape or incest”
I have a customer who is a big white trash trump fan. He comes in yesterday trying to start bitching about it and I stopped that shit real quick.
Jesus fucking christ. I stopped reading halfway through and was briefly thankful we only have Trump, then I got angry again because Trump shifted the political spectrum so much that people like him, once relegated to peddling their pathetic fantasies under pseudonyms online can now be serious candidates for office
The devil is a mysterious evil force that you “can’t comprehend”.
Right? Baffling.
Holy fucking shit. His poor daughter. HOW DID THIS MONSTER CONVINCE TWO WOMEN TO MARRY HIM???????
Donlad Trump’s official position is that people should be fired for offensive language?
Well, do they? DO THEY?
eta: Also it’s worth noting that Canada does not have a trade surplus with the US, we have a $8.4B deficit, a number that the US Commerce Department agrees with but who needs facts when you’ve got MAGA ammirite?
Just because a league might be “all female” doesn’t exclude it from sexual assault happening in it. Having guys involved may increase the odds (I know as a guy I am very careful about my interactions with others), but an absence of males does not mean it can’t (and doesn’t) happen.
I took a friend of mine to Delmonico’s in NYC because they had never been to a steakhouse before and I wanted one of those raw seafood towers with some steak and creamed spinach.
Yeeeeah, they know the rules damn well. They just don’t want to follow the rules, and they’re just hoping the woman won’t speak up about it. Tale as old as time.
I get so angry these days whenever I hear some jackass complaining about how “nobody knows what the rules are for dealing with women now!”
This movement has lost all grip on logic. The sad part is that it continually blurs the line between someone who simply a little too flirty and a damn rapist. Both seem to know receive the same public shaming. In the end, the outcome will be worse for everyone as men will simply avoid participating in any function…
Cocksocket is #BeBest
His daughter gets called a cunt and yet he is still whining about Bob Iger not having called him?