
That’s longer than murderers get in a lot of countries...

This exactly. I hate not wearing a bra if I am doing something (lounging on the sofa=no bra needed, but anything involving more movement needs support!). Have people who hate bras been properly fitted? I love my bras, I just have to find ones that fit right (means I have 2-3 sizes I switch between, depending on brand).

You sound like an excellent parent.

Aw I’m glad you enjoyed it XD they are so easy to make im sure you could do it yourself. Just squares basically.

In the UK you only go to the gyno if something is wrong. Pap smears are done by a nurse and birth control is prescribed by your gp.

I’m hesitant to try it because the NHS has not been the best with helping me out (including refusing to believe that the implant was causing horrendously long and painful periods, telling me that I should “come back when I felt I was in crisis” when I went for mental health help, and taking six months to fucking take

The copper iud scares me haha I have naturally killer periods (like the elevators opening and blood woooosh) and feel the copper iud would make things worse.

The hormones don’t work with my bipolar :( the only hormones I’ve found that don’t make me want to kill myself and everyone in the world is the patch. I tried the implant for five damn years and nearly killed myself by the end of it. So I’ll take the very light periods that the patch gives me heh

I do not understand people who don’t demand all the painmeds all the time. Damn, I can’t even deal with a headache (mmmm asprin), let alone any major pain. Going through pain doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a twit.

Tiny knitted cats XD they aren’t brilliant, but they make me happy. This is the one I finished today (since Internet karma is good for the soul ;))

I never spent more than £80 on my hair in the UK, and £80 was to fix my own bleach job (yay orange hair :D. Also I have naturally basically black hair and wanted it white ashy blonde, and I got it!) and to get an awesome cut. Normally I pay around £20 for a cut...maybe this is due to it not being in Canterbury though.

Dude just use men’s razors. That’s what I do. Much better.

Hahaha I’ve been working on a simple jumper thing for about 10 years now...I fear it will never be finished because I keep going wrong and getting annoyed and putting it off for other things (like knitting tiny cat dolls)

I quit cold turkey but I only smoked around 8 a day, a few more when stressed. I found it easy and am not the norm at all.

I have no tips, but if you want a weight loss buddy I need motivation and would be happy to have the company :). I need to lose around 20kg (40lbs?). Well, don’t need to. Want to. I want to. And I keep failing and it really bums me out! I’m going to try calorie counting and signing up for a fun run so I *have* to

Awwww look at the snakey! <3 I want one!

Sadly, I believe it. The number of people who think the onion Is a valid news source :/ :/ :/ is critical thinking not a thing anymore?

I mean, it has to be trolling, right? No one is *actually* that thick, right? Right guys...*crickets*

Salad without dressing tastes like poverty. In the UK, for some reason, no one ever puts salad dressing on salad. It’s wrong, WRONG I SAY.

“Specifically, it’s the German wasp (a misnomer—they’re not coming from Germany)“