
Eeeeeee!!!! look at his little burglar mask face <3 <3 <3 Oh he is so cute with his giant ears <3 He is beautiful! My boyfriend’s mum’s cat also likes water...he drinks out of the kitchen tap if you turn it on for him ^.^

(Normal people have this reaction to babies, but man, I have kitten fever!)

Does this kitty have a little moustache?! Omg so cute *my heart, it bursts*

Seriously. I think the number one cause in breakups/divorce is people start taking each other for granted. Buying little random things for each other is something my boyfriend and I do quite regularly. So, we live in the UK, and he is obsessed with Twinkies (why? idk. they are disgusting American goop, but he loves

I realise this is a personal question, and feel free to tell me to sod off and mind my own business, but as someone who desperately wants to grow my family through adoption (and probably adopting an older child) in the future, what is there that the adoptive parents can do to make the life of the adopted child better?

Oh he point blank refused to eat it at first. Looked at the bowl, looked at me, then let out a long disgruntled MEEEEEOOOOWWWW I poured some tuna juice (the water from the tuna can) and some tuna in the bowl and he ate it. Now he eats the kibble but also gets very excited when he sees tins (because tuna=love for my

I have an outdoor cat (it’s standard in the UK for cats to be outdoor cats, and we live in the country) and the biggest thing he’s ever caught was a spider (aside from my hand, which is currently covered in bite marks because he was being an arse last night) so he still wants his damn specially formulated cat food (I

Europe doesn’t want him D:< There was a vote, honest. We have all agreed on this one point, even if we can’t agree on anything else. No Trumping allowed ;)

I wonder if it’s a language thing? I mean, I don’t know, but I think the reason a lot of Eastern European people come to the UK instead of going to say, Germany or Holland or wherever, is because most people speak English as a second language. So, if you have English as your second language, you could presumably get a

Idk where you are, but I picked up a 125 for £500 and it costs me £17 a month to insure, £20 a year to tax, and max £10 to fill up the tank. I maintain the basics myself (it isn’t hard at all, learn from a mechanically minded friend or pick up a how to guide online)

I’ve worn a watch ever since I was little (five or six). I love it. I cba getting my damn phone out every time I want to check what the time is. Also I love watches. I only have cheapish ones (swatch), but I love them.

I knew there had to be someone XD everyone I know with kids of fb just goes waaaaay OTT. Lol

Man, one of my friends from school just had a baby. Yay, huzzah, excellence. But omg the number of #blessed tags flying around is driving me up the fucking wall. Why does everyone has a baby suddenly turn into a writer of hallmark esque tweets? I mean, I am so happy for her, but it just seems so frikkin ott. Clearly

This is my favourite comment XD

Yes! Then my fabulous lady beard and sideburns can be free. My stash is not so impressive, but those hairs on my chin definitely rival a teenage boy if left to their own devices XD (ah the joys of being very very pale with very dark hair).

I shave them off. Fuck it, they grow back after like a day even when plucked so i just shave them.

It’s likely she’ll get orthodontic work anyway. I mean, the majority of people get braces at least for a while (I don’t know exact statistics, but apparently I am a unicorn because I’ve never needed any major work doing on my teeth). Add in that she’s going to be famous, I am sure she’ll get work done on her teeth to

30 years for shooting a dude in a bar? Not premeditated? And the sentence was meant to go longer?! Jesus wept that is a long fucking time. I am relatively sure she has learnt her lesson. American prison sentences are crazy long, guys :/.Also commented are showing their arses a lot on this post. Of course receiving

No I need my at least 8hrs. 10hrs is when I feel best. I think I’m part cat XD

This has confirmed my suspicion that anyone who does crossfit is a witch or an alien.

You should live somewhere colder :p (UK here, it is never above 25 degrees C, usually about 18 degrees and that's perfect for me). I think I just wouldn't move if I lived somewhere warm :p