Some kind soul uploads episodes onto YouTube, which I watch to calm my addiction when I am abroad/my Internet is too slow to work iplayer (this is your own fault, BBC, I pay my licence fee now give me my trash tv)
Some kind soul uploads episodes onto YouTube, which I watch to calm my addiction when I am abroad/my Internet is too slow to work iplayer (this is your own fault, BBC, I pay my licence fee now give me my trash tv)
Oh my days this. My mum was a stay at home mum, but my the money made wasn’t my dads money or my mums money: It was their money. My dad recognises that his career would not have progressed so well if my mum didn’t stay home and make sacrifices (she didn’t go to uni because he got offered a job in a different country…
I would not be able to sleep with a baby in bed with me. I am a sleep fidget and would be so terrified I’d roll over and squish the baby that I would just...not sleep. The cat is already not allowed in bed with me because I roll over onto him and get bitten and am then grumpy because I have not slept. Planning to not…
It thought I was 20 sober and 28 drunk. I am actually 27 and am not sure if this means I look young and booze ages me. Whatever, 10/10 would booze again XD
Omg seriously. I find none of these dudes to be my jam at all. The are objectively good looking but they don’t get my lady motor running. I like my men furry and a bit rugged looking. Where is the stubble?! Also I don’t like the whole super muscle look personally. I feel they would not make good pillows, which is an…
You can use pads as wound dressing as well, if you need to. :D all the uses of period products.
Possible issues with diva cups:
First thing I would loot in a zombie apocalypse would totally be loo roll and tampons and pads. Just fill the whole car with them. Also painkillers and birth control, because fuck cramps while you’re trying to kill zombies.
Once cats have finished feeding/ready to wean their kittens, they do not like their offspring. At all. We have a cat that we got as a kitten from a friend (their cat had a litter) and OH MY GOD those cats do *not* get on. Mama cat got so sick of the kittens she would bat them off the sofa, hiss at them, and generally…
Oh no :’( this reminds me of when we lived in China, there were lots of kittens on campus. I found a very ill one but I didn’t know what to do and she died :( that was five years ago and I still cry about her sometimes. I feel so bad I couldn’t save her. <3
Idk...the NHS has bureaucrats coming out the wazoo and the cleanliness of the hospitals here is...not so good (I’ve just moved, and the major hospital for the area has been shut down due to the norovirus >.> everyone is puking, apparently). Maybe it’s the inherent British tendency to tut instead of shout? More shouty…
I still get super hungry all the time on my period, but I can control it better because I am not a sobbing, depressed, angry mess. I still eat dominoes, but 3 slices not an entire pizza ;)
In terms of binge day (as shown above):
Oh hun don’t be upset! Maxi dresses look AMAZING to me, especially if you get one that fits right and suits your body shape. I love them because I have huge legs which are also fairly short (like srsly all my weight is on my legs and you would have to use dynamite to get a thigh gap outa me) and they make me look long…
I know nothing about carbs, because carbs 4 lyf, but I make cauliflower mash with carrots and onions in it. I also add a lot of seasonings (spice blends mainly, my favourite being cajun and Jamaican jerk). Can you eat butter/spread? Because that makes it taste a bit creamier too.
The thing is though, it’s the Catholic church. This is a huge step for them.
I love it when you switch to Mandarin and suddenly the price drops dramatically. My friend and I lived in Beijing for a year and used to go all the time, got to know the vendors, and used to get amazing deals XD
Isn’t the silk market awesome??
You mean “sririchichirishi... Rooster sauce...” which is what I called it until I actually heard someone say it (I live in the UK and found it in a supermarket and had never heard anyone say it until I went to California and a nice lady told me how to pronounce it haha)