they’re emboldened by the anonymity of the internet. i hate them so much.
A genocide is unfolding in front of us and people are being slaughtered - so I just can’t *wait* for Wolf Blitzer or god knows who else to instead focus on speculating about Kanye!
We’re seriously seeing facism take root. I can’t even fully process this.
Oh, so NOW Yertle the Turtle is willing to entertain the probability of Russian interference?
RIP america 1776-2016
Can you imagine Donald trying to comfort the families of soldiers who have been killed overseas? “I like people who weren’t killed. Losers!”
My husband has major baby-fever, and there was a super cute kid at the place where we had dinner last night. You start to think, “What if ...”
And then you read shit like this. Nevermind.
I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.
Good. Fuck this guy.
I started watching it and my husband walked by and said “why are you doing this to yourself? You’re going to have a rage stroke before he’s even inaugurated” I replied that I felt that I had to watch as some kind of penitence for not working hard enough here in Florida to help to defeat him (not really, but I’m afraid…
Look, Detroit has black people in it. That’s racist against white people to help any black people even by accident. That money should have rightfully gone to subsidized Tim McGraw concerts for the truly needy.
When Obama signed the auto bailout Republicans treated it like a Communist revolution.
That’s certainly a possibility.
Oh we goin’ to war. Believe you me, we are going.
In a word - violence.
He’s promising his fans the sun, the moon, the stars, free and instantly:
This Carrier business is ridiculous. Could you imagine if Obama tried something like that. Also, are free-market loving Republicans really ok with the soon to be highest ranking government official telling a private company what to do?