
We also would have accepted “Yick”, “Goioioing” and “Splorch”

+1 Long reach

No, they only named it softball to trick vikings into playing it.

Amber’s doctor with the evergreen advice:

yeah man, that 10 year old was asking to be gaslit by the President of the United States when you think about it.

I had so, so many plans.

Nope. Kids are loud and wild and do not do what you ask them.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

May wanna re-read the article.

Why would we have to convince him that he did something everyone already knows he did?

Starred for the smoke break at 6k.

Say what you want about the fun of playing the sport and winning...but a Duke national championship is never going to win “the adulation of the nation.” 

I was just thinking not having any friends has never felt better than it does after reading this story.

I don’t hold out too much hope for these guys; they did just miss their exit 500 times in a row, after all.

The moon is 238,900 miles from earth. The series of events to hit a shot from the moon is just about statistically and mathematically impossible. First, you need Gary Sinese to get sick (but not really). Then you need a crack shot captain in Tom Hanks who can fashion oxygen out of a diaper. Maybe, maybe, if you have

And still firmly affixed to Coach K's ass like the sturdiest suckerfish

And over the long run, they’re even more stupid than that. We export a lot of shit. Specifically shit we’re better than everyone else at making and producing efficiently. Shouldn’t we stay focused on that shit instead of shit that Mexico can make more cheaply?

Yeah. People say “Pure as the driven snow”, but snow just gets dirty and ugly when people drive on it. Yuck.

+1 _other_ white guy who reads The Root

That’s not a sequel MICHELLE