
And THATS WHY you don't social media...

It may very well be amazing, but I highly, highly doubt it'll make much of a difference.

I'd like to think the people who work on the game are probably more knowledgeable than I am, so they know the lineman are doing something wrong. They certainly have some ideas of how to make them better, but, they haven't gotten

Agree to disagree, I suppose.

I'll grant you that it's better than *not* having someone who played the position, but that doesn't equate to the game getting better. I mean, (1) knowing how to do something doesn't mean you can explain it to others (2) based on what they said they had him working on, it doesn't sound like they're fixing any of the

No, it doesn't. And I'm done feeding the troll now. Goodbye.

No, because the boys in your yard will take it before space gets a chance...

No, they literally only contain horse... It's kind of ironic, if you think about it.

Attack my credentials all you want, but I've been playing NCAA football for 11 years straight.

Linemen haven't ever played naturally, and they're fixing the part that's the least broken. This isn't exciting news, this is a story of them doing a mediocre job doing a mediocre job...

Ugly bags of mostly water...

There is no global time of day for Earth, in terms of lightness. It's always morning, day, evening, and night on the Earth. God doesn't exist in a single point in space, so the separation of light from dark is a spacial separation, not a temporal one.

Where in Genesis does it define how long a day is? Can you quote that part for me? Perhaps provide a reference?

Ah, that must be why there's absolutely no disagreement on the proper interpretation of those examples I gave among well-learned Christians.

You're correct in that I'm certainly not a football coach of any significant measure, and I was generalizing pass blocking to something that clearly said it was specific to run blocking... So I concede your point.

I'm not entirely sure anything you just said addressed anything I just said... you just attacked a point I didn't make. OF COURSE a bad player can be a good coach, no one was suggesting otherwise. You didn't list any sort of credentials of the guy AS A COACH, and regardless of all of that, even if he was the best

Not sure hiring a mediocre offensive lineman to hard-code blocking assignments based on the defensive alignment is going to be better.

Right, because all lengths of time in the Bible and perfectly consistent with each other and our perception of time, and like all parts of the Bible are entirely closed to interpretation and must be taken 100% literally... You know, sort of like it's entirely clear from reading the Bible exactly how you're supposed to

I'm sorry, 1993 called and they want their facts about the speed of Java vs. C back...

The Bible says no such thing.

Every cell in your body originally came from a single cell that split and specialized to create things as dramatically different as your brain cells and your bones, the entire process of which is a well documented scientific fact.

This is Unix. I know this...