Yes, but I think the point of the article is that you don't care enough to vote with any of them...
Yes, but I think the point of the article is that you don't care enough to vote with any of them...
Please stop talking about making people upset. It's upsetting me...
If your name is Howard, then perhaps...
There's no way this could be worse. None.
I approve.
That's what she said... #twss
Eh, do a flexible e-ink paper and you're good to go.
Your mom feels comfy focusing at 7 inches...
You win the internets. All our pipes are belongs to you.
Eh, not the greatest image ever, but it was the first one that came up showing Data using his console.
So, your advice is, in order...
22,000 pounds of thrust applied to a 233,400,000 pound boat?
Also, Windows has been making full-fledged tablet computers longer than they've been making XBoxes. Do try to keep up.
"Fence wire" has absolutely no place in a redneck tool kit. "Bailin' wire" or GTFO...
Why so many words? Your explanation seems to have a high level of unnecessary inflation...
Approximately 6 billion of those "other people" are more likely to build an Apple product than to purchase one, so don't be a douche.
Not sure, but that photo kinda looks shopped...