I don't know what you mean. At all.
I actually bought a really nice Couch by Monster(TM) from Best Buy, and it's advanced ass-shield cushion technology is the finest in high-definition seating you can buy... I especially like the way their integrated geosphreric conditioning system levels out the natural sin-waves of the earth's rotation to alleviate…
I hear a number of these on a regular basis.
As energy is neither created nor destroyed, and sound waves are kinetic energy, everything you hear is you hearing the big bang...
Which line is it that tells Toby Keith to shut the hell up?
I wrote a Windows Mobile app once, but just for fun. It was an app that would tell me which of my XBox Live friends were online (I think I was trying to finish the two-player online co-op for one of the COD games at the time, and I needed to know if I had COD friends online). So I never looked into licencing for it.…
In the way you have to give them money to put your apps in the app store, for the exact reasons I stated above?
You have to pay to be a developer for most things these days, especially if it has an app store attached to it.
I took my cat apart. Putting it back together was far more difficult. There were spare parts left over, and I think I bricked it.
Troll! There's TOTALLY a glass next to that bottle of Vodka...
Exactly how the hell else are you supposed to get your KickStarter any publicity if not spamming your friends and family with it on Facebook?
I own a TV and I hate my cheekbones. Thanks for rubbing it in, Giz... Oh yeah, I'm not a celebrity either. SON OF A ...
OH NO! Wired catered a Father's day magazine cover to fathers? WTF?
Because this concept makes it so easy to get into CD cases...