
I do what

No, the word "drone" doesn't mean self-guided, it means unmanned...

When I originally visited the site I linked, it only had the literal definition. Clicking on the link itself, obviously, gives you all of them.

According to the article, the electrodes are fed into the touch-processing portions of the brain, so your brain would probably interpret the sensation as some sort of pressure. In all likelihood, you'd be able to differentiate it from anything you can currently "feel".

Not sure you've actually "seen" the group of writers... #literally

Because it's being "felt" with neither the rods&cones nor nerves. It's being "felt" via "infrared-detecting microelectrodes", which makes it *fundamentally* different than what we feel and see now.

What is a "sense"? It's some sensor interacting with a stimuli that is later processed by the brain. Touch = nerves in skin, Sight = rods/cones in retina, Hearing = crap in ear, Taste = buds on tongue, Smell = chemical receptors in nose.

Fine, *don't* feel the troll... :'(

How does it feel to work on an airplane named after this guy?

When I said "from Vietnam", I'm not meaning to imply the F16 was flown during the Vietnam War, I'm suggesting that it was designed and produced during the Vietnam War era.

My favorite part of this article is how identifiable those expressions are. I don't know if I would have seen it had I not read the article, but they really scream Pixar...

Or Joss Weeden shows were popular...

Took us 100 million years to make the battery (jet fuel) that the full sized versions run on...

Oh, we still have the 2nd amendment? From all the moaning on Facebook, I thought we weren't allowed to have guns anymore...

Asians optimize themselves for things, not the other way around...

To put it in standard tech terms, the air force uses wifi, the army uses bluetooth, the navy is using CMDA, and the marines are using GSM... On top of that, you have different versions of that stuff so that the older stuff can't talk to newer stuff unless it *also* supports legacy versions (802.11A, B, G, N —-

The problem isn't the software, it's the hardware. It's the actual radios doing the transmission that can't talk to each other.

Most of the rest of the world would just like something to eat and not to get shot or blown up. Americans are the only ones with the free time to give a crap about Martian soil...

"party line absurdities" is all you need to read to know someone is a crazy political wackjob who has more bumper stickers than sense...

Spiderman has super-human healing, so he wouldn't be subject to repetitive stress injuries.