
How would that help *at all*?

x86 doesn't necessarily equate to 32-bit. In a non-technical context, it means "not ARM".

Bridge of the USS Enterprise, please.

You have no chance to survive make your time. For great justice.

They don't have summer in Australia.

The reason this isn't Windows Phone or WebOS is because it takes an Android developer approximately 5 minutes to repackage an existing Android APK into a Blackberry 10 BAR, and you can get it uploaded to their App World in less than 10 minutes (it takes a bit for RIM to approve it after that, of course, but you're

There are already devices, most of which vibrate and make you feel good, that do what your fingers could just as easily have done...

And the Blackberry Playbook was doing this before Windows 8... Hell, you could argue that Windows 95 was doing this if you auto hid the task bar.

The color indicates the path followed by the walk: it starts at red and moves up the spectrum (red-orange-yellow-green-cyan-blue-purple-red) as the walk progresses.

If your name is Howard, then perhaps...

There's no way this could be worse. None.

I approve.

That's what she said... #twss

Eh, do a flexible e-ink paper and you're good to go.

Your mom feels comfy focusing at 7 inches...

You win the internets. All our pipes are belongs to you.

Eh, not the greatest image ever, but it was the first one that came up showing Data using his console.
