
Can you find the 1 Dr. in this photo before Dr. Cox Shouts at you?

"the numbing sensation that users are accustomed to has disappeared"

Get real...

More likely the entrance to ruining a franchise...

This looks like it might try to kill Harry Potter...

4 words still stand between fat people and exercise: very tight neoprene shorts.

Boop beep beep boop...

Have I ever had more than 200 milliseconds to push F8? Because it's never seemed like it...

Tupac did, and it turned him into a hologram.

Dan Brown book in 3...2...1...

They actually make those, but they're "marketed" as regular jeans in size 38.

For the most part, the actors on SNL right now are pretty talented comedians / actors. It's the writing that's horrible.

And why're we all hanging tiny demon lights in your house? They're the devil...

Riker says HELL NO to you stealing his DNA.

I don't understand. There were pics, so it *must* have happened...

Assuming you managed to stay on the bike, the 4-wheeled version wouldn't lay you down into the mud.

And by copied, you mean stole. And by stole, you mean %#$%$@$ ripped the %#$$R! off.

Also, fans.

I don't know that my comfort has ever been enhanced by cloth...

> That's a very well thought out, articulate response.