
Dan Brown book in 3...2...1...

They actually make those, but they're "marketed" as regular jeans in size 38.

For the most part, the actors on SNL right now are pretty talented comedians / actors. It's the writing that's horrible.

And why're we all hanging tiny demon lights in your house? They're the devil...

Riker says HELL NO to you stealing his DNA.

I don't understand. There were pics, so it *must* have happened...

Assuming you managed to stay on the bike, the 4-wheeled version wouldn't lay you down into the mud.

And by copied, you mean stole. And by stole, you mean %#$%$@$ ripped the %#$$R! off.

Also, fans.

I don't know that my comfort has ever been enhanced by cloth...

> That's a very well thought out, articulate response.

I don't recall ranking their chances against the space agency of any country.

Don't think I like it.

And the F35 has had successful test flights.

Hopefully she learned to leave WinAmp alone...

I suppose...

Facebook + Instagram = MySpace, right?

If we were looking at pictures of an Android tablet with a new screen technology or Linux gaming console purporting to change the future of mobile computing / gaming devices, the writers (and commenters) would all be singing the vaporware song by now...

What you're telling me is... SpaceX isn't the government of North Korea? Hmmmm...

If that science to you, your high school science teacher must have been creepier than normal...