
Did we really need a study to tell us burgers make people happy?

Pink meat should protect against breast cancer, right?

So, what you're saying is... they *don't* exist. That makes much more sense.

Conan got pushed out of his job by Jay Leno after not having it very long...

Wow, I didn't know I was a CGI expert but if you say so Giz ;-)

I wasn't talking about the 3D effect, I'm talking about making two images that are hand-shaded like that and have the shading match so perfectly in both images.

Friends, you shall drip rubies, you'll soon drip precious... rubies

Tebow & Manning =~ Obrien & Lenno.

My mind can't comprehend how these can exist...

But you said I was the future of the Jets....

Not especially.

Afraid so...


Depends on if he bought it dinner first ;-)

For reference: Apple's thermal specifications...

$250 is a small price to pay for this advanced level...


$250 dollars?

And the other half are frakking toasters...

I actually heard that they used a compound in the ship that causes cancer, then cures cancer, and then causes it again...