
Can I please be forgiven in 1080p?

I'm sorry, statistical anomaly with questionable taste ;-)

Fine, I give up... I was wrong, internet, I WAS WRONG.

the average stoner spends $1,168 on textbooks during a four-year degree


Which is fine, since it actually was "HD" as normally used.

Too far?

Sad thing is, they could replace Tom Cruise with Justin Bieber and the F35 with a cardboard box, and it still wouldn't be the worst airplane movie...

> it gets docked in the Google algorithm

He never said it was an iPad 2...

Yeah, I too miss the days where I could freely uninstall programs on my machine...

Selling nibs is their business, so it is someone's business. Theirs. So no.

And yes, I know the laptop wasn't in space...

I mean, putting something in friggen space should be sufficient physical security that they don't need to encrypt stuff...

Gravity tells this versatile musician when to throw away all the love that his heart can stand...

Indeed. I should have meant that...

This is true of Patsy Cline as well.

Technically, it's shaped like an egg. Can I cross the bridge now, please?

Jobs was fine with gimmicks, but it was damned sure going to be *his* gimmick...