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    I think I can sum up the people you are talking about perfectly... those with entitlement mentalities. In fact you can probably find those people at OWS right now. :)

    Agree 100%. Seriously, I wish I could get a teachers tenure at my work. I'd stop doing a damn thing seriously and just get paid for the rest of my life. It's brilliant and the next young person trying to come in the door and looking for a job, can go work at mcDonalds while I enjoy my tenure. You said it best...

    Colleges that have less to spend in the classrooms should probably look no further than their sports teams and ridiculous scholarships and contracts they make with players. And if money from the top isn't getting to the classrooms, doesn't that point out an even bigger problem with how the money we think is going to

    Haha! +1 - Gonna give you a heart since I can't give you a star.

    Search Google for teachers who are paid full salary but don't actually teach. ie. Search NY rubber rooms. Luckily, this waste of money is finally being addressed in NY but it is a great example of some serious cleaning that needs to take place, but not only in the educational system, but in every gov't sector.

    You do realize that most books, desks and teachers cost more than they are worth? Buying kids a book, desk and giving them an overpaid teacher doesn't result in a smarter and better educated child.

    I think with all that has happened over the last 10 years, it makes sense that our military budget has increased. However seeing that increased spending in education has not helped us, I think its time we stop looking to throw money at the problem and start looking at the real details of the issue: 1) Material being

    I agree. I learned math using flashcards,paper, and pencils. Not using f'in iPads, computers, etc. Unless our kids are learning to be scientists beyond our wildest dreams, then we are throwing money to the fire.

    "Um. The problem it was aiming to solve was "the church" using it's being too powerful to kill anyone who disagreed with it."

    You realize that the idea to separate church and state had nothing to do with "the church" being too powerful right? It was created to ensure that all religions were given an opportunity to practice freely without the state stepping in and stopping any one religion from practicing.

    In a real world scenario, wouldn't this be the same as closing down a business because someone stole from it. In order to stop robbery, just close down the business to stop the possibility of it happening?

    Probably because the bill won't create thousands of jobs just like the first stimulus didn't create thousands of jobs. It will simply put us in more debt. Yay.. can't wait!

    Actually she does have a fashion blog, hence my comment for her to stick to it. It has nothing to do with her sex. And being bare-foot is actually healthier for a person's feet but again, I'll let you continue on with your liberal delusions.

    I find it interesting that of all the great scientific articles that are posted on a daily basis, how Kristen's articles are always politically based in some way or another. Seriously, stick to your fashion blog and gizmodo, please find someone else or at least get Jesus Diaz to post some more of his awesome space

    Tell me about it. If only you'd stop worshiping Steve Jobs and the ground he walked on, maybe you'd chill out a bit more.

    Unfortunately, this discussion is as helpful as saying "My computers broken".

    Fine with me... this phone is already awesome as it is minus anything Apple related. If Samsung would have stuck with this design/setup, they would still be selling millions of Galaxy S2 phones without dealing with Apple.

    Uh... their audience is every runner/biker that I know. Sure, depending where you live and your lifestyle, you may not need these features, but in cities where physical activity is a practically a requirement, this thing will a major hit.

    Disagree... If you add up the costs of getting an ipod nano + heartbeat monitor + gps tracking device + online account to manually enter all your stats in... the price of having all that in one device + it being automatically tracked in a portal where you can review your stats are any physical enthusiasts dream.

    You mentioned biking, but how does it measure the distance you have biked? ie. I'm reading up on the Moto Accuesense GPS tech but I'm curious if you can specify on your smartphone whether you are running or biking or doing some other activity.