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    @Psych0billy: lol yeah... Justin Hyde you jackass... trying to take credit!


    Bleh - the 2TB is a 5900rpm drive... although I didn't know 5900 rpm drives existed. I thought they were only 5400 and 7200.

    I wonder if this is going to influence this weeks release of Naruto or Bleach.

    @ODoyleRulz: Beautifully stated! In the real world, you always pick the option that sucks the least and hope for the best.

    Do you live in a box in the jungle somewhere? Since its revolution, America has changed dramatically. In comparison with the rest of the world, America is a success story. As stated earlier, if you disagree - North Korea invites you with open arms.

    True - any political ideology can be run into the ground. Communism runs itself into the ground automatically. The idea behind it is inherently flawed. If humans were generally the same emotionally, physically, and in personality, then Communism would be the best thing. But humans are vastly different. Some love

    @whoopingchow: To the best of your knowledge? Did you use Safari or something and it used up all your memory? Ha... see what I did there.

    @Bramsey89: OMG... that means Internet Explorer is rated #1 in browsers used to download itself!

    Nice... now to install this on my parents computer since they believe Chrome and Firefox are the devil sent to confuse them.

    yep... seriously! or do you really believe that North Korea is the way it is because one man! el dictator.

    We should give the entire Communist Party USA a free one way ticket there. Maybe they can turn the place around and set a world wide example and then maybe we could take them seriously.

    @CaptainJack: Thats too hard. I believe we should just tax the living crap out of them so I can continue to hang out on employment for another year or two. :)

    Is this seriously the 3rd time this article is being posted? Well I guess it worked because I'm actually writing a comment this time (and ignored writing a comment the other two times).

    Of course the most important question of all is this! Will it allow wireless signals to flow through its body? Will is solve Apple's death grip problem?

    @Tissue: Well your first problem is you are comparing the Xoom tablet to the iPad. Bad comparison. You may as well wait for the iPad 2 and then compare it to the Xoom in both price and features.

    @Che-poodle: You should check out Archos or Notion Ink Adam tablets - they are pretty competively priced Android tablets.

    @twignation: Did you just steal an idea from Family Guy?

    @minibeardeath: Wow - nice. The beauty of these forums is you discover about these tablets that are freakin awesome and already do what I felt the ipad was completely lacking.