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    I wish they would specify what frame rates the 1080p is. Its like saying our camera takes pictures, but they fail to include at what resolution or if the pictures are in jpg/raw or both.

    I really hope Sony doesn't screw us by not including 1080p60 as one of their video formats.

    @stevok: I just pissed my pants that was beautiful!

    Ah the only problem with these excavators is how the heck do you plan on using these in new york? You can't just start throwing snow all over the darn place.

    @alpinebomber: excellent point ... very excellent point.

    I wonder if this plane was also built by a farmer.

    @ando: Considering we owe them a couple hundred trillion dollars or something like that... I think expensive isn't something they are worried about.

    @giorgi.piero: I live in Citrus Heights and I know exactly where that Fry's is. A lot of people here in Sacramento are hitting some tough times. Great job!

    Can I get a 1080p non 3d version for like $1000. Seriously, I just need it to play videos at 1080p60 and 1080p24 and I'll be happy.

    @tomatO_-: oh gees that looks so flipping gross. they should make a movie about it... people falling into the minestrone. DON'T FALL INTO THE MINESTRONE!

    Ah can you just imagine the upskirt photos that are going to hit 4chan in a matter of days.

    Please tell me those white stains aren't what they look like. I've heard of getting excited over a new product, but seriously, thats just gross.

    OMG ... if I were a firefighter...

    @Cisco-Kid: Reminds me of those high school tests that I always abhorred...

    @qbrad: between the Evo and the Samsung 4incher... which would recommend?

    @qbrad: Yeah the EVO is tempting but I'm holding out on the next batch of Android based devices with something running 2.3 or greater or Palm webos.

    "just refocus your eyes to line up the white dots" How the fook do I do that?!

    @tenazrael: hey... why does my font letters all look like they have a gray highlighter over them?