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    @Stagtastic: Comparable? Depends who you ask.

    The problem with all of Jesus Diaz's articles is you always find the real truth in the comments.

    @cmp_solutions: yes please tell us cause I'm interested to here what the hell you have to say that is so important that your throwing a hissy fit.

    @geolemon: Eh... generally every platform has the same 1000 apps you will ever ever need. It only becomes very important if you plan to do lots of gaming on your phone.

    @2 replies: I think you got it backwards though. A teabagger is one who does the teabagging. Therefore it is not the teabagger with balls on their face and an ass for a hat, but the person for whom they are teabagging.

    @Arken: I believe they let you go through with water bottles now. Of course, TSA will have to open the water bottle, take a sample and test it to make sure there is no bomb liquid inside of it.

    @hbuzzell: just found this link about our military going through TSA.

    @darkanimematt: damn that cancer... why does it get to ruin everyones fun!

    @dadum01: Oh you mean a link other than the huge debt we are in to China. Sorry, I was kinda blinded because of the big hole we are currently in.

    @PotatoHammock: You do get that choice. Basically if you get selected for the xray machine, you have the option to opt out and get groped.. er I mean patted down.

    Why don't they just do full body real xrays. One that shows your internals as well. After you walk through the gate, TSA sends the information to your doctor or medical office whatever. Cha-ching! Now you no longer have to wait to get permissions or coverage from your insurance.

    @Roekone: Lol seriously. If they put me and my 1 yr old through the security line, they had better change his damn diaper while they are at it.

    Now playing

    Bleh when I see videos like this ... it makes me ask the following questions

    @skidoosh: Ok... just curious. I don't care to have my xray picture taken either, but what bothers me the most is this does not make us any safer.

    @stereobot: I agree entirely. I'd prefer to not have either of the two.

    what is with all the alien movies coming out... gees