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    Adam - you make an excellent point. How often do we make phone calls and during those phone calls, how often will we want to sit and stare at the other person.

    @wildfire359: * sigh* that's a very sad thing to read.

    Here's a conspiracy theory - Apple purposely conspired with AT&T to place fear in the hearts of all the customers and force them to desire the security found with paying more for insurance.

    Wow WTF is wrong with half you morons on this site? He didn't just put the box down on the porch and he did not do it in a gentle manner either. All you guys who say he "gently slid" it have something wrong in your head.

    People - when the iPhone64G comes out, it will have ultradurable magical glass that has been hardened x number of times. In fact the surface will be like that of a diamond.

    @jordyhendrix: Listen - its easy to get excited about Apple products - more specifically the iPhone and the iPad.

    @samuelbowker: I said something along the same lines when Katrina happened or when the BP Oil spill took place, but I guess people didn't think it was so funny.

    @octasquid: Compared to my 0 dropped calls with Sprint - that's 2-3 dropped calls I would rather not have :)

    @lauwersp: @lauwersp: 4G won't be introduced till the iPhone 6... which they will call the iPhone64G - Sounds damn impressive!

    @lauwersp: 4G won't be introduced till the iPhone 6... which they will call the iPhone64G - Sounds damn impressive!

    While I really do love the Palm's WebOS - if this phone made it to Sprint, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I could see myself being happy with this for at least 2 or 3 years before deciding to upgrade.

    Am I the only one who would love to see this hardware running the WebOS from Palm?

    @jchen1: you should post a pic on Hot or Not and let the real giz nerds decided if she was worth the settlement or not :p

    @thinkthis: I will agree. Best HD video so far in a mobile device. +1 Apple.

    Joe/Obama - the Terminator movies aren't real! Die Hard 4 wasn't real either. Didn't you see the scene where the car hits the helicopter... there's no way that was real.