
Will the Polo (GTI) become available in the US? Its arch-enemy for roughly 4 decades, the Fiesta, has been brought back to the US and seems to do just fine.

You do know that STASIS has filed for insolvency, right?

Whose decision was it to debut the R Wagon here? Are they also responsible for making the decision as to whether or not they'll sell it here? Do they have a weakness and how do we exploit it?


VW is claiming that it will only come in a 6-speed manual because the DSG cannot reliably handle the torque output.

it looks the part, and has the right engine....i like it alot.

Good luck, kid. Rooting for you.

Ural, duh.

Always the answer.

tell me it's not fun.

Sup dawg. I heard you like drifting, so we put your car on a boat so you can drift while you drift.

it's not brown.

I want a donut switch too.

Each car will come with one of these.

Exit 22B and the OJ Homage were brilliant little additions.

One of the more perfect advertising messages you're likely to see, given the subject matter...

It's slightly cooler than a coaster; it LIFTS man! Bro!