
Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

In general, yeah. Games wise... this has been a pretty great year.

Well, the most played console games for years were all sports sims.

Sad I had to go this far down in the comments to find this. Good work sir!

YES that’s it!!

Damn it, I just posted the same damn thing!

Note to self; check messages before posting. Maybe...

*Battle clown intensifies*

Nothing says tough (and ‘80s Japan) like Kaneda’s pink shirt and white pants...

Hey, any martial artist will tell you that result is better than style in a real world situation. Perfect execution is for tournaments.

“Oh shit!”

my favorite part is how he did it all with a cig t’ed up in his mouth.

Who’s going to liberate us? Everyone but Canada and Germany has gone right-wing populist to an extent. And Canada is too nice to liberate us, and Ze Germans probably don’t want us.

1) Seriously, MS. Screw you. This seems to have been handled idiotically.

Hell yea! Nude cgi model of an incredibly average looking actor.. well penis, where to next?

There is real porn on the internet.

Girls don't always wash their hair every time they take a shower.