I don’t like most of the armor in D2 period.
I don’t like most of the armor in D2 period.
But for the true destiny 2 experience threeA should have just realeased this as a series of blind boxes where you can only get one armor bit per box and maybe you’ll eventually have the full figure.
Oh and maybe a piece of paper inside that says “We’re listening.”
Former USFSA figure skater, here, but my experience is thirty years old, so be ready for me to be contradicted:
Will you please leave ‘Frozen’ out of this?
I’m thinking more violent version of Austin Powers.
He’s trapped in his brain and he can only communicate via catchphrase.
because the best idea right now in this day and age where everyone is offended and a victim and everything is misogyny ect, a duke nukem movie is exactly what will help reduce that right?! /s seriously if we want to hear everyone bitch about it, go right ahead, but im not really too keen on giving the people who love…
Sort of like a violent version of the Brady Bunch Movie?
Agreed; it’s Serious Sam’s time to shine!
If they never do it in the games maybe the cena movie would be the one where Duke Nukem still thinks it’s the 90s and everyone just pities him and he doesn’t realize it
Honestly... If anyone can make a serious (but totally ironic) film about Duke Nukem, it would be Michael Bay. Cheesy one liners and poor action sequences line up perfectly for Bay and a Nukem movie.
That being said, let the Duke rest. He’s dead. Just like Presley; he’s old, fat and has a totally forgettable performance…
Hey everyone, lets take a gander at the Io9 coverage of this very subject and read all the comments attacking those who suggested that racism might have played a part in the decision. Lets also take a look at those very commenters and their not-at-all-racist speculation about this accomplished astronaut getting pulled…
I agree, but it’s not like they’re asking you to buy the game based on this trailer alone haha.
The entire time watching this trailer I just thought to myself, when are we actually going to see gameplay? It’s hard to get excited for a game when you don’t even know what type of game it is. And no, the game being made by Hideo Kojima isn’t enough for me to buy it.
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