
What's the middle one? Looks like a rat. That will go over well in the inner-city areas.

So that's what the first class section looks like huh? Must be nice...

@ostartero: I pay money for good music and other entertainment. I don't listen to music that I don't like or watch bad movies.

@zwer: thank you for your post. Reading the comments is the best laugh I've had all week and let me know that there is still hope for the human race after all.

@Yinzers Are People Too: I have to agree with you. While I like the iPhone, and would think about switching to it if it wasn't on ATT (yes, reception issues is the primary reason for changing over to Android in the first place).

@tazm0n: Why would you need to fake the bad connection. I thought there was an app for that...

@Xeraphim: Very, very tempting. My current Xbox works (after sending it in for repairs about 2 years ago for a bad drive, and then replacing the drive myself about a year ago again). But I could get rid of the wireless bridge that I have setup for the console now to connect to the net, and just use the built in

@That_was_totally_Batman: How the hell does almost every topic, no matter what the topic is, turn into a political "us vs. them" discussion?

@F00fybunny: AM can do stereo. But that idea died about a quick as it was thought up.

We have good news and bad news...

Since when did NOT having a feature become a feature?

@kake81: "Don't you just want to rub it's belly?"

@atrus123: Nothing in this world can be certain except death, Taxes, and phone dropping...

Unless Verizon does something really stupid I plan on staying with them. So I will be waiting for HTC to release something on the Verizon network that is equal to or better then the Evo when my contract is up in October (yes, I only have a one year contract, I have a problem with commitment).

I need to go back and look at some of the comments made when Google was having Blue tooth issues at their presentation.

@FriedConsole: My girlfriend was using a Blackberry on ATT when I bought my first iPhone.

I think that everyone could look at this two ways: