
Source is starting to show its age in some places, but this MOD (not game) makes some of the best use of what Source can do extremely well.

2. I see what you did there.

My first computer game involved a certain red-trechcoated criminal who was almost impossible to track down...

Now playing

Oh man, this show, Animaniacs, and Batman: TAS define my childhood.

Yep, I've had the "MMS messages saying delivered but not really" glitch for a long time. After restoring my phone now they just say "Not delivered." It happens across my iDevices and my Mac, so it's not just my iPhone.

To the Moon. Amazing in a way I can't describe without spoiling it. Bring tissues.

Which one? Been a while since I played LO, but I may remember the boss. I know I had trouble with some.

Now playing

Lost Odyssey IS underrated. One of the few RPGs that literally had me in tears at points because it knew exactly what heartstrings to tug on when.

Wild ARMs you say? :D Consider me intrigued!

Stop talking and go play Bastion. Seriously.

The appendices in the books are huge. House Frey takes up like seven or eight pages since The Late Lord Frey has so many natural and bastard children. They also include things like the Night's Watch, and other things that are spoilerific to those who have only watched the show.

More than aware. ;)

Put that moustache on him, and Cave Johnson totally becomes J. Jonah Jameson. Off-topic, but Raimi could NOT have cast a better actor to play JJJ than JK Simmons.

CEP 2.1 > Audition CS6 IMO. I really hate how you can't have ALL THE THINGS on the toolbar in Audition like you could in CEP. CEP unfortunately doesn't take advantage of multithreading due to its old age.

Nice Revan. Lots of Star Wars cosplay this year, no thanks in part to SWTOR no doubt. The Hero of Canton deserves the most squee points though.

No love for the ever-awesome Red Mage? :(

I'm running a frankenputer. It began life as a Pentium 4, and then evolved into its current iteration: an AMD Phenom 9600 w/8gb RAM and not enough hard disk space for storage. OS is Linux Mint 9 Isadora. It was built mostly with parts I had laying around, then when the original CPU/board died, I upgraded it to the

Don't knock Wild ARMs. It's definitely a sleeper hit on the PSX, and probably my favorite RPG on the console. Worth checking out if you've never played it before.

Bam, nailed it.