
Wow, somewhere at home I have my complete box of the original gold cart version of The Legend of Zelda. My sister had drawn in the empty boxes on the Overworld map to complete it.

What do we say to the god of death?

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MAGFest people will totally understand this.

The Littlefinger dance party made me laugh the most. Sounds like Doc Octorock did the music again seeing how he did the music for last years.

I have an ex-girlfriend who had an EnV until she got herself a Moto Droid. I think she had that thing for like four years.

Samsung Alias. When my contract was up I ended up getting an iPhone 3GS, and currently have an iPhone 4S.

Anybody who says Toy Story 3 didn't make them cry has no heart.

Anybody remember the hilarious reason why WinAMP went from v3 to v5? (2+3=5!)

It does and still will.

I'm stilll sporting one of these and I have zero intent on ever giving it up.

Agreed. I'd put Big above Splash personally.

This, very much so. I'd personally put Big above Splash.

I only recently saw the Princess Bride, and I'm almost 30... *hides*

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Does it matter really? Best miniseries ever, complete with IMO the most ludicrious (read: AWESOME) usage of the Force in Star Wars history.

I was sold as soon as I heard Criterion. Again.

Maleficent is easily my favorite Disney villian, so I hope they don't screw this one up.

War3 came out July 3, 2002, so 12 years ago next month.

Love that one as well, and while we're on the subject...

Sadly our first computer didn't have 5.25" drives. One summer my dad borrowed an Apple IIe from work, that had one. Our first computer was an IBM PS/2 model 30, which also included the infamous IBM model M keyboard. We also had an IBM Proprinter, dot matrix at that. :D