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Does it matter really? Best miniseries ever, complete with IMO the most ludicrious (read: AWESOME) usage of the Force in Star Wars history.

I was sold as soon as I heard Criterion. Again.

Maleficent is easily my favorite Disney villian, so I hope they don't screw this one up.

War3 came out July 3, 2002, so 12 years ago next month.

Love that one as well, and while we're on the subject...

Sadly our first computer didn't have 5.25" drives. One summer my dad borrowed an Apple IIe from work, that had one. Our first computer was an IBM PS/2 model 30, which also included the infamous IBM model M keyboard. We also had an IBM Proprinter, dot matrix at that. :D


Oh man, as a child of the 80's, I remember all of these clearly. My friends laugh at me because I still put floppy drives in my custom-PCs, but looking at that 3.5" slot still makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

I never played WoW, but I heard about the whispers from a friend. When I found a Youtube clip, I was blown away. It saddens me to think how many people who know nothing of the Warcraft lore skipped by that without realizing what it was about, let alone what happened there.

I believe it was released for Virtual Console.

Now playing

To this day, arguably the best cinematic in Blizzard history. "The Death of Grom Hellscream" is a very close second.

Consider me intrigued. I have four fans in my case to circulate the air around, and even though my stock CPU cooler is pretty damn quiet, this is definitely pretty snazzy.

In short, GTA4 was poorly ported to PC.

Cate Archer would ruin this Lara Croft. I'd also pay big bucks to see that fight happen.

Oh god I hope so. Hopefully anything you've already purchased FOR Tomtom can carry in as well.

"I need a favor."

House Bluth

Add "Where the Red Fern Grows" to the list. Oh my lord I bawled like a baby when Dan was killed and Ann died of a broken heart. Or was it the other way around? Been so long I can't remember anymore.

Looking forward to seeing her at the Intrepid. I saw Enterprise when she was still at the Udvar-Hazy Center down in Virginia, but now she's at least in my (relative) backyard.

Hey...see the sign?